A Day In The Life of Krista..

Friday, July 28, 2006


I think it was him.. I believe it was him.. you see, there was still a little bit of food left in the dish. If it was any other cat, or any other animal, the dish would have been licked clean... not my Georgie!! He will "ration" himself if his food is getting low, meaning even though he may be STARVED, he still won't eat everything in his dish.

(Long story from when he was a kitten.. I left him in my appt in Saint John for the weekend, with a weekend's worth of food. However there was a HUGE snow storm and I got stuck in Jemseg until Tuesday morning.. I had expected to go back to SJ on Sunday night.. George went a little over a day without food). He paces himself now!

SO.. I just wish he would come home.... at least now I can think that he's alright...

Should I call the Search & Rescue out yet????

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Has Anyone Seen My Kitty????


He's been missing since Monday night. He often "escapes" from the house, goes on tour, but gets hungry and is home again by 5:30 - 6:00 the next morning. By "escapes", I mean - he is an indoor cat through and through.. sometimes when you're taking the dog out for a pee before bed, he'll escape through the door, like he's on a mission.

For those of you who live around me.. don't be alarmed.. he's fixed.. he won't go getting your female cats pregnant. He may try, however it won't work.

What bothers me the most is that he was outside through the thunder and lightening storm and the huge rain downfall we had Monday night.. this is the same cat that freaks out when I bring the vaccum cleaner out of the closet (I don't even have to turn it on), and he's running for all he's worth to get to the basement - his "safe haven".

So last night, around 10:00, Justin and I were out on the deck calling, whispering, making cat noises to try to bring this darn cat home.. (I'm sure the neighbours thought we were nuts..) I think we saw him in the ditch (alive) across the road, but he kept moving.. so I left food out on the deck for him, thinking that when he did come to the door in the night, he would at least have something to eat. If you've ever seen this cat, you also know that he doesn't miss a meal!!!!

I got up extra early this morning, went outside, and the food wasn't even touched in the dish (Justin told me I would probably attract other neighbour cats, but I didn't!!). So now this is day 2 of him being outdoors.. I am worried..

Have you seen my cat??

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Here they are!!!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Wedding Shower Pics

Still won't post.. I'll try again tomorrow

Weekend in review, and other things

So the shower went very well on Sunday!! YAY!! A big weight off of my shoulders, since I've never planned or organized one of those things before, but now that I have, I think I should be a wedding planner. I think that would be a very fun job... we were watching Rich Bride/Poor Bride on Life on Sunday night, and the only thing I wouldn't be able to put up with is the whining of the bride, trying to convince her hubby to be that they "need" the $5000 chocolate fountain! (that was on this episode).

Jena and Tim got TONNES of very nice presents, and they were more than grateful for all of them. I think they were even a little overwhelmed. I am so happy for them. They've been through a LOT, and wish them all the best.

(pictures won't post right now, but I'll try to post them later)

Last night, I was soo tired.. didn't sleep well all weekend. Was worried about this shower, and the break-up a friend of mine is going through. It's horrible. Won't go into details, but there's kids involved, and it's always yucky in that type of situation. So, last night, did a few loads of laundry, had a nice relaxing bath, and was in my jammies reading my CSC book by 8. It was great!!

Not feeling well today.. still didn't sleep well last night (it's funny, because I can ALWAYS sleep), but this thing that my friend is going through is really bugging me. Perhaps tonight I can finally get some shut eye..

Friday, July 21, 2006

I found her.. I found her.. the Jeans Fairy came to visit!!

I found the jeans fairy.. Wednesday night she came and neatly piled the jeans into Justin's dresser drawers. I also managed to vaccum all of the dog hair up off of the floor, put more clothes on the line (they're still there.. enjoying their second rinse cycle), and filled the washer. A woman's work is NEVER done.

Finished Jena's Thank You cards last night (shh.. don't tell her - hope she doesn't know about this blog). Giving them to her with her wedding shower present that has yet to be determined.. (that will be tomorrow's project). Started cutting out the pages for their "Marriage Advice" album. I think it's gonna be very cute.. I'll have to post pics sometime.. my aim is to have everyone at the shower fill out a little card with some marriage advice, or best wishes for Jena and Tim, then I'll compile them into a scrapbook (which I hope to have complete) and then give it to them on Sunday at their shower. Saw the idea on the web. It's cute!!

Weekend things to do:

-Come back into town tomorrow to pick up cake for shower, get present, take things back to the world's greatest store "Giant Tiger", and perhaps go to the little flea market in Maugerville if it's not raining
- Finish advice book
-Cook - make some sandwiches/sweets for the shower
-Go to my dad's and get the attachment for the helium tank so we can blow balloons up
-Fill empty balloons full of kitty litter (unused) to use for balloon weights
-Take inventory again and make sure I have everything for the shower

-Decorate for the shower
-Hopefully everything will go smoothly at the shower...

If you've read Nicole's blog (link on right), a way back she put out a challenge to everyone to make a list of 100 things about yourself. I'm going to try to attempt this next week... stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I can't find the **Jeans Fairy** - where is she?

This week has been crazy.. been busy every night after work.. wish a trip to the beach was in the schedule for tonight, however it is not. Last night I went 'scrapbookin'. Went to a class at Nicole's scrapbooking store (compupro scrapbooking) and made 20 scrapbook pages in 3 hours. Most of the pages were already cut, we just had to arrange them and stick them together, others we had to do some cutting. I'll post some pictures tomorrow (if I get a chance tonight) of the pages. All we had to do was assemble the pages, and stick our photos and titles on when we got home. It was sooo fun, and I completed the better part of an album in an hour!!

Tonight I HAVE to do some cleaning around the house, and laundry.. I'm horrible at keeping caught up with the laundry. It's not bad to put it in the washer, and then out on the line, but the bringing it in, folding it and putting it away part is what I don't like. For the last 2 weeks, Justin's had to go to either the clothes basket that has been set neatly in the corner of our bedroom full of neatly folded clothes, or to the dryer to find himself a pair of Jeans to wear to work. This morning he opened his dresser drawer where his Jeans normally are, and looked at me with a smirk on his face and said that he had hoped that the jeans fairy had come in the night to replenish his drawer! LOL.. we have this agreement that he doesn't touch the laundry in any shape way or form, (that is one thing that suprisingly I am very picky about.. when I have time). Anyways, tonight is laundry, changing the bed sheets, dusting, vacuuming, and perhaps scrubbing night. Haven't done it since last Wednesday night.. thank god we have full air conditioning!

I also have to get ready for Jena's wedding shower on Sunday... few decorations to make, her present to finish, as well as other little wedding things I have been putting off, that has finally caught up to me.

Perhaps I can talk Justin into letting me hire someone to come clean the house a couple times a week.. then I'll have more time to scrapbook! LOL (cold day in you-know-where before that happens!!)

Ta-ta for now

Monday, July 17, 2006

Hot Productive Profitworthy Weekend!!

Man.. what a hot one it was this weekend.. am I ever glad Justin talked me into letting him put a heat pump in our house.. now we can cool the house down to 45 degrees F is we want.. however that's too chilly.. we kept the house between 69 and 71 this weekend.. it was GREAT!!

Friday night, we never started to set up for the Yard Sale until almost 9pm!! It was just too hot! Justin went to get the tables shortly after we got home from work, and I started cleaning up the "wood" around the house so that we wouldn't get any lawsuits from yardsale customers who broke their ankles (for those of you who don't know.. we're almost done building our deck.. resulting in zillions of little 'nubbins' (as Justin calls them) of wood dropped wherever the saws have been.. ). I grabbed a fuzzy duck from the fridge, and the dog and I went out to clean up. Didn't last long.. I quickly gathered everything up, threw it in our garbage trolly (because the wheel barrow was already full of junk), and headed back in the house. When it was finally cool enough to drag my junk outside, the bugs were out.. so we quickly set up, some "early birders" came yard sale-ing while we were setting up, and we came in just in time to watch the NASCAR qualifying.

Saturday morning - got up early, hung some laundry out on the line, and got prepared to make some money!!!! As soon as we took the tarps off of the tables, people were coming. I think around 9:00, we counted at least 15 cars between being parked in the driveway and on the side of the road. By noon, we were HOT, and I could feel my shoulders tingling. Business slowed down, so Jen decided that she would go yard sale-ing (as most of our road was having yard sales too), and when she got back, I'd go.. by 2pm, we were hot, sticky, burnt and tired, so we started tallying up our sales, and packing up the junk. I only had 1 box left, out of about 6 that I started with. It was great. Jen made over $200, and I made over$100. Not bad for a few hours of sacrificing sitting in the sun, eh?

Once everything was packed up and put away, Justin Rosko and I headed to the beach for about an hour.. it usually takes a lot for me to get into the lake in July, but it was soo warm, and I was soo hot!! We played ball with Rosko, and then came home. We went for ice cream after supper, and decided to get a few coolies.. imagine the bargain I found when I went into the Liquor store to buy a hat and t-shirt and got 24 beer free!! LOL

Yesterday was a relaxing day.. I washed my car, and kinda got all of the dust off of the dash (don't think it's been dusted since last Summer), cleaned up a little around the house, and then vegged on the couch in the air conditioning for the rest of the day!!

Ahh.. what a way to end a hot weekend.. wrapped in a blanket on the couch because you're cold!!!

Friday, July 14, 2006

The Night After..

We had a great turn out last night for the Pampered Bride show.. we made Garden Ranch Pizza (mmmm.. good), and Jenn A made a "Bride" cake for dessert. Mmm good.. even have some leftovers in my lunch today!

This is the "tool turnabout" I made
into a wedding cake for Jena as well...

Very tiring night.. never got to bed until after midnight.. Justin didn't get home until WAY after that because him and another guy went "moose looking" (my opinion is this... if there's moose in the spot now.. they probably won't be in the same spot in 2 months time when it's Moose Hunting Season.. but what do I know?) Anyways.. they got the guy's truck stuck in a mud hole, and had to call another guy to come and get them so that they could go home and get a tractor... boys...! LOL

Well.. wish me luck for my yard sale tomorrow... hopefully I can sell enough junk to buy a fouton or bed for the spare room!!!!!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

2 Posts in One Day... this is going to wear out fast!!!

Here I go again.. it's not raining anymore.. yay!! And according to the weather just a few mins ago, it's gonna get sunny and nice through the weekend!! That's VERY good news, because Saturday, I'm having a YARD SALE... anyone who knows about the last yard sale that I took part in (at Lorraine's) will know that it wasn't a very profitable day for me.. as well, the weather didn't quite cooperate.. remember that HUGE rain storm we got early in June?? Yeah.. that was our yard sale day.. it's crazy to know how many crazy people will yard sale in the rain.. however I think it's CRAZIER people who HAVE a yard sale in the rain.. anyways.. we'll save that story for another day..

HOPEFULLY it'll a profitable day.. Jenn A is coming over to sell her junk too! It's really neat, because the yard sale is going on all through the road I live on.. I heard it's supposed to be something like 15 kms of houses with yard sales...

SO... tomorrow night will be set up night.. fun fun.. I've gotta track down some tables, get the swingset brought over from next door (they make a dandy clothes rack), and set my price tags out from wherever I hid them after the last sale.

Can't start tonight, because I will have a house full of people.. we're having a Pampered Bride show for Jena (Justin's sister who's getting married in August).. if you've never heard of this, it's like a "girly" shower, however not quite a shower.. a Pampered Chef consultant comes to the house, shows the products, cooks something with the products, and instead of the guests bringing a present for the bride, you bring cash (however much you want), and throw it in the pot.. at the end of the evening, the bride (Jena) gets to reap the benefits of hosting a pampered chef show. Exciting stuff, eh??

Over and out until next time...

Ok.. I've done it! I've started my own blog...

Everyone else is doing it.. why can't I too?

So this is where I'll post my thoughts/opinions/and other ramblings..

Where to start?? How about..

It's raining today... although it's probably good that we're getting rain, I don't like rain.. it makes my house muddy.. and especially because we haven't planted grass yet (because we have about a year's worth of rocks to pick ~any helpers??). And then there's the dog, who loves to play in the rain.. when he runs, the mud splashes up his back and on his tail, and then when he comes in the house.. you got it...... mud.. on the floor.. on the walls... on me.. on him! Isn't life great!!

this is Rosko at the beach a couple of weeks ago.. he loves the water!! No matter what form it's in!!

Keep tuned in.. my life can get VERY exciting.. lol........