A Day In The Life of Krista..

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Weekend in review, and other things

So the shower went very well on Sunday!! YAY!! A big weight off of my shoulders, since I've never planned or organized one of those things before, but now that I have, I think I should be a wedding planner. I think that would be a very fun job... we were watching Rich Bride/Poor Bride on Life on Sunday night, and the only thing I wouldn't be able to put up with is the whining of the bride, trying to convince her hubby to be that they "need" the $5000 chocolate fountain! (that was on this episode).

Jena and Tim got TONNES of very nice presents, and they were more than grateful for all of them. I think they were even a little overwhelmed. I am so happy for them. They've been through a LOT, and wish them all the best.

(pictures won't post right now, but I'll try to post them later)

Last night, I was soo tired.. didn't sleep well all weekend. Was worried about this shower, and the break-up a friend of mine is going through. It's horrible. Won't go into details, but there's kids involved, and it's always yucky in that type of situation. So, last night, did a few loads of laundry, had a nice relaxing bath, and was in my jammies reading my CSC book by 8. It was great!!

Not feeling well today.. still didn't sleep well last night (it's funny, because I can ALWAYS sleep), but this thing that my friend is going through is really bugging me. Perhaps tonight I can finally get some shut eye..


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