A Day In The Life of Krista..

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Highlights of Canada Day Weekend 2007!!

I'll post pics tomorrow..

Here is my top 10 list of the Canada Day Weekend..

10. Finally going on vacation in another province
9. Stopping at almost every Tim Hortons from Salsbury, NB to Charlottetown, PEI
8. Getting our pick of camp site because we were early at the campground
7. Following Carman & Lorraine on the way to PEI, and Carman thinking they were lost, and were going to NS, instead of PEI
6. Kymm calling me going across the Confederation Bridge telling me Bee's water broke, and she was on her way to the hospital
5. Getting ripped off at the Wax Museum, but getting to have my picture taken with Shrek
4. Go Carts at Sandspit
3. Sitting around James' BBQ Sun night after the fire works huddled in quilts because it was soo cold
2. Taking the long way to Stratford - cutting off traffic, and almost causing an accident!
1. Watching Lorraine & James jump the fence to the VIP section at the Nickelback concert, and the security guard not caring, because it was his last night on the job!

1A - it's my list - I can have 2 #1's.. LOL

STANDING AMONGST MY 20,000 CLOSEST FRIENDS AT THE NICKELBACK CONCERT, and still able to find people I know!!


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