A Day In The Life of Krista..

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Has Anyone Seen My Kitty????


He's been missing since Monday night. He often "escapes" from the house, goes on tour, but gets hungry and is home again by 5:30 - 6:00 the next morning. By "escapes", I mean - he is an indoor cat through and through.. sometimes when you're taking the dog out for a pee before bed, he'll escape through the door, like he's on a mission.

For those of you who live around me.. don't be alarmed.. he's fixed.. he won't go getting your female cats pregnant. He may try, however it won't work.

What bothers me the most is that he was outside through the thunder and lightening storm and the huge rain downfall we had Monday night.. this is the same cat that freaks out when I bring the vaccum cleaner out of the closet (I don't even have to turn it on), and he's running for all he's worth to get to the basement - his "safe haven".

So last night, around 10:00, Justin and I were out on the deck calling, whispering, making cat noises to try to bring this darn cat home.. (I'm sure the neighbours thought we were nuts..) I think we saw him in the ditch (alive) across the road, but he kept moving.. so I left food out on the deck for him, thinking that when he did come to the door in the night, he would at least have something to eat. If you've ever seen this cat, you also know that he doesn't miss a meal!!!!

I got up extra early this morning, went outside, and the food wasn't even touched in the dish (Justin told me I would probably attract other neighbour cats, but I didn't!!). So now this is day 2 of him being outdoors.. I am worried..

Have you seen my cat??


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