A Day In The Life of Krista..

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I can't find the **Jeans Fairy** - where is she?

This week has been crazy.. been busy every night after work.. wish a trip to the beach was in the schedule for tonight, however it is not. Last night I went 'scrapbookin'. Went to a class at Nicole's scrapbooking store (compupro scrapbooking) and made 20 scrapbook pages in 3 hours. Most of the pages were already cut, we just had to arrange them and stick them together, others we had to do some cutting. I'll post some pictures tomorrow (if I get a chance tonight) of the pages. All we had to do was assemble the pages, and stick our photos and titles on when we got home. It was sooo fun, and I completed the better part of an album in an hour!!

Tonight I HAVE to do some cleaning around the house, and laundry.. I'm horrible at keeping caught up with the laundry. It's not bad to put it in the washer, and then out on the line, but the bringing it in, folding it and putting it away part is what I don't like. For the last 2 weeks, Justin's had to go to either the clothes basket that has been set neatly in the corner of our bedroom full of neatly folded clothes, or to the dryer to find himself a pair of Jeans to wear to work. This morning he opened his dresser drawer where his Jeans normally are, and looked at me with a smirk on his face and said that he had hoped that the jeans fairy had come in the night to replenish his drawer! LOL.. we have this agreement that he doesn't touch the laundry in any shape way or form, (that is one thing that suprisingly I am very picky about.. when I have time). Anyways, tonight is laundry, changing the bed sheets, dusting, vacuuming, and perhaps scrubbing night. Haven't done it since last Wednesday night.. thank god we have full air conditioning!

I also have to get ready for Jena's wedding shower on Sunday... few decorations to make, her present to finish, as well as other little wedding things I have been putting off, that has finally caught up to me.

Perhaps I can talk Justin into letting me hire someone to come clean the house a couple times a week.. then I'll have more time to scrapbook! LOL (cold day in you-know-where before that happens!!)

Ta-ta for now


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