A Day In The Life of Krista..

Friday, July 21, 2006

I found her.. I found her.. the Jeans Fairy came to visit!!

I found the jeans fairy.. Wednesday night she came and neatly piled the jeans into Justin's dresser drawers. I also managed to vaccum all of the dog hair up off of the floor, put more clothes on the line (they're still there.. enjoying their second rinse cycle), and filled the washer. A woman's work is NEVER done.

Finished Jena's Thank You cards last night (shh.. don't tell her - hope she doesn't know about this blog). Giving them to her with her wedding shower present that has yet to be determined.. (that will be tomorrow's project). Started cutting out the pages for their "Marriage Advice" album. I think it's gonna be very cute.. I'll have to post pics sometime.. my aim is to have everyone at the shower fill out a little card with some marriage advice, or best wishes for Jena and Tim, then I'll compile them into a scrapbook (which I hope to have complete) and then give it to them on Sunday at their shower. Saw the idea on the web. It's cute!!

Weekend things to do:

-Come back into town tomorrow to pick up cake for shower, get present, take things back to the world's greatest store "Giant Tiger", and perhaps go to the little flea market in Maugerville if it's not raining
- Finish advice book
-Cook - make some sandwiches/sweets for the shower
-Go to my dad's and get the attachment for the helium tank so we can blow balloons up
-Fill empty balloons full of kitty litter (unused) to use for balloon weights
-Take inventory again and make sure I have everything for the shower

-Decorate for the shower
-Hopefully everything will go smoothly at the shower...

If you've read Nicole's blog (link on right), a way back she put out a challenge to everyone to make a list of 100 things about yourself. I'm going to try to attempt this next week... stay tuned!


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