A Day In The Life of Krista..

Thursday, July 13, 2006

2 Posts in One Day... this is going to wear out fast!!!

Here I go again.. it's not raining anymore.. yay!! And according to the weather just a few mins ago, it's gonna get sunny and nice through the weekend!! That's VERY good news, because Saturday, I'm having a YARD SALE... anyone who knows about the last yard sale that I took part in (at Lorraine's) will know that it wasn't a very profitable day for me.. as well, the weather didn't quite cooperate.. remember that HUGE rain storm we got early in June?? Yeah.. that was our yard sale day.. it's crazy to know how many crazy people will yard sale in the rain.. however I think it's CRAZIER people who HAVE a yard sale in the rain.. anyways.. we'll save that story for another day..

HOPEFULLY it'll a profitable day.. Jenn A is coming over to sell her junk too! It's really neat, because the yard sale is going on all through the road I live on.. I heard it's supposed to be something like 15 kms of houses with yard sales...

SO... tomorrow night will be set up night.. fun fun.. I've gotta track down some tables, get the swingset brought over from next door (they make a dandy clothes rack), and set my price tags out from wherever I hid them after the last sale.

Can't start tonight, because I will have a house full of people.. we're having a Pampered Bride show for Jena (Justin's sister who's getting married in August).. if you've never heard of this, it's like a "girly" shower, however not quite a shower.. a Pampered Chef consultant comes to the house, shows the products, cooks something with the products, and instead of the guests bringing a present for the bride, you bring cash (however much you want), and throw it in the pot.. at the end of the evening, the bride (Jena) gets to reap the benefits of hosting a pampered chef show. Exciting stuff, eh??

Over and out until next time...


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