Feels like home to me.. feels like home to me...

It was exactly 12 months ago today that our house was delivered!!! - kind of a crazy thought considering it feels like it just happened! It was such a long wait! We were told that they would call when they left Sussex with it on the truck. I got up early, got all ready, and went to the "Basement" to wait. Carman & Lorraine came over with their video camera to tape the whole event. We waited... and waited.. and waited...By 9:30 that morning, I was a little concerned that they hadn't called - and thought that perhaps I had already missed the call, and I would miss the whole excitement of everything happening, so I called them. The response I got was - ooh, they haven't even loaded it on the trucks yet. There was another house in the way, and they had to load that on the truck, move it, unload it, and then load your house. It'll be about an hour and a half before they get there. So, Justin, Justin's mom and I all went to "Lennies" for breakfast. When we got back to the "basement", they guys were there from NB Power putting in the hydro pole. This is when it all set in to reality. They weren't supposed to be there until the next day, but that's how it goes.
So, when I saw that they had our road blocked off with hydro poles, and trucks and then I saw the transport coming down the road hauling our house, I couldn't believe that it was actually happening. Never in my wildest dreams would I have figured that at 21, Justin and I would be buying our own house...I guess that’s all part of the fun of life!

I love the idea that we can leave the house a huge mess for days on end because there’s no possibility of anyone seeing it as we’re the only two people with keys.
I love the view when I'm sitting on the front deck looking over top of the trees, and seeing the Lake, listining to the boats. I love that we entertain here, that we eat supper on the island in the kitchen, that we totally decorated for Christmas, inside and out (thanks Jus!), and the kids (animals) sleeping with us each night (on top of the covers.. I'm not that crazy!)

Justin takes out the garbage on Thursdays, plows the driveway when it snows and (will hopefully this Summer)mow the lawn when the weeds get thick (if we ever plant grass!!)
We yell from room to room, play the music loud, and keep the temperature low in the winter! (Justin pays the hydro bill.. LOL)
I can only imagine the memories we’ll have in this house after spending several years living here.. hopefully the pitter patter of little feet coming down the hallway in the years to come, and sitting next to each other in our rocking chairs when we're old!
hey, just wanted 2 say hi and that I can't believe it's been a year already, where does the time go?? in 6 more months it will b a year 4 us, I can't believe that ither, but i agree with all the statements u made about it feeling like home now. isn't it great!!! have a gd day, ttyl Berly
Anonymous, At
Tuesday, January 23, 2007 3:36:00 p.m.
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