A Day In The Life of Krista..

Thursday, September 28, 2006

I'm officially a widow..... (until Sunday)

So it's Moose Hunting Season.... and I have become a widow for the next 3 days. The guys left at 6:30 last night to go set "home" up in the woods, and make sure all of their "moose stuff" was out before dark.

Was talking to Justin last night - wanted ME to set MY alarm clock for 4am this morning so that I could call THEM to make sure THEY were up!! ... and of course, I did! Crazy me, because once I was up at 4, I couldn't get back to sleep. However I did manage to catch a few zzz's about 5 min before the alarm clock went off at 7!

Update - was just talking to Justin at 1-ish... no sign of a moose yet!!!

Monday, September 18, 2006

I've been scrapping!!!!

So I haven't posted in a week or so.. been busy... SCRAPBOOKING!!

These are the layouts I have created in the last week or so..

Trust me.. they look much better in person. The photos don't pick up the little tiny details!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Weekend in Review

So... long weekend! It was GRREEAT. A well-deserved break from the norm. Friday night started the weekend off right by making a trip to the Home Depot. (Just like the commercial said). We got the inserts for our pot lights on the deck, some peg board so I could re-vamp my scrapbooking room, and some shoe shelf holders/hanging things.

Saturday morning I made a trip to see my dad, as his anniversary was last Thursday and his Birthday was on Sunday. Hit a few yard sales on the way home, and then watched movies all afternoon with Justin's mom, Jena, Lilah and Jared. We watched RV and Failure to Launch. Two great movies! Then we had Elke's sausages for supper and lazed around some more.. Justin was fixing his truck, and changed the oil and stuff in my car.

Sunday I totally cleaned the house.. I hit it like a storm. It was unbelievable! I was so ambitious that I even took at my scrapbooking room and moved it around, and cleaned out some unwanted things (Yard Sale Pile for next year!!). Sunday night we went to the drive in to see Tallagega Nights. It wasn't bad.. another stupid funny Will Ferrell Movie though.. It seemed like it started, and then it was over. No big surprises in the movie. Some parts were hilarious, and others were very stupid. It was no Days Of Thunder I must say! We also stayed for the first part of Snakes on A Plane... that was retarded. Very far fetched.. so we left.. right after the snake came out of the toilet on the plane and bit the guy in the you-know-what while he was peeing...

Monday we installed the shoe racks in the porch closet, and Justin put up my peg board in the scrapbooking room. I cleaned up a little, and then we went to his Parents house for an EARLY supper (like 3pm-ish). His dad had to go to work, so thats why we had it early.

So, in a nutshell, that was my weekend.. how was yours?

I created a Slide Show! Check it out!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Summer.. Summer.. Where Did You Go???

As I am getting in the truck this morning at home to come into town, I notice the Maple Tree that the clothesline is attached to... there are no more green leaves on it... they are red and yellow. OH MY! AHHHHHHHHH - like that commercial on TV (I think it's for KFC or something).. where the woman freaks out completely when she sees a colored leaf on the sidewalk. I didn't scream (probably because Justin would have left me on the door step and left for work by himself - because he would have thought I had gone COMPLETELY nuts) I thought... where did the summer go???? (I'll post a pic of the tree tomorrow)

This summer was SOO busy helping everyone else, we hardly took time for ourselves. We went for a drive through Sussex one day.. went to Hopewell Cape last long weekend.. but other than that.. we never went on any super-dooper camping trips - and I still didn't get to PEI this summer.

With weddings, trying to get our landscaping done, showers, yard sales, it's been a busy one! Maybe next summer will be more relaxing??? Probably not!!

Here's a recap of the week -

Last Weekend
Saturday morning got up - on my own terms!! (Justin and the dog were next door doign something) - sat on the verandah and had toast and coffee at my own leisurly pace. It was sooo nice to not have to be anywheres on a Saturday morning.

I cleaned the house.. my dad came over in the afternoon with his tractor to try to build up our lawn. Justin's grandfather was also over with his tractor too to help.

Saturday evening - went out for a couple hours to Paul & Jewel's diaper party

Sunday - We were sooo out of groceries (it was Aug 1 since we had last got groceries) that we loaded up the cooler and headed for town to get groceries, as we were going into Keswick Ridge for a corn boil that afternoon. It was fun! Neil makes good BBQ chicken too!!

Monday - Justin had his dental surgery to have his tooth out - thank god!! Poor thing.. was in pain for most of last week.

Tuesday - Didn't do anything exciting that I can remember

Wednesday, Thursday - had some type of crazy flu.. feeling much better now!

Today - donno yet..

Weekend plans ?? Nope - just flying by the seat of our pants..

Guess what's coming in 2 weeks?????



Have a great long weekend...

Maybe I'll scrapbook this weekend... hmmmm.......